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Tag Archives: Chicken Pockets

How To: An Indoor Picnic

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Ever have those nights where you want a little bit of everything for dinner? You can’t think of one certain food group? I had one of those moments the other night and decided to embrace it. Mission: Tasting Party.

Poor Aaron has to deal with this behavior. He never gets a say. I had set up our table and started photographing and he still didn’t realize what was happening. haha

First item: Cheese and Crackers (see- I was craving this concoction from Social!)

I also had egg rolls as an appetizer but they looked ugly so I didn’t take a picture of them.

Entree: Adrienne’s Chicken Pockets (cut up chicken, onion, and cream cheese baked into a crescent roll- YUM)

Baked Cinnamon Apples

Mashed Potatoes with crushed up Potato Chips (hey- it seemed like a good idea at the time)

Dessert- Vanilla pudding with leftover Penis cookie crumbled on top

And I had some leftover crescent roll so I made a S’more Crossiant with chocolate chips and marshmellows.

Good thing it worked out.. ha!